StratComm Awarded Contract by USDA for Production of WIC Infant Feeding Guide

StratComm Awarded Contract by USDA for Production of WIC Infant Feeding Guide

In March 2016, StratComm was awarded a contract from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for production of the new version of the WIC Program Infant Nutrition and Feeding Guide, which was last published in 2009. The guide provides an overview of subjects related to infant nutrition and feeding.

StratComm has assembled a team of subject matter experts in this area, including a medical doctor and a medical researcher, who will review the current version of the guide, research and update the sections that need revision, and update the references used.

In addition to updating the guide’s content, StratComm will create a new design, including the cover, and select new illustrations and photographs. This will be StratComm’s first time collaborating with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and we are happy to have been selected for this important mission.