StratComm’s website and mobile app team has nearly 15 years of experience in web design and development.

We have designed and developed websites and mobile apps for both public and private sector clients, including a number of government agencies.

We have a thorough understanding of the design and development process of websites that are utilized for communication and information dissemination to a wide audience, implementing social media and ensuring active user engagement in many of these projects. We are experts in standards-compliant HTML5 and CSS3, and 508- and ADA-compliant design.

We also stay on the cutting edge of digital publishing technology, with expertise in HTML5 and widely used digital formats such as .epub and .mobi. The web standard HTML5 language provides for robust handling of audio and video, with JavaScript support.

When it comes to content creation, we focus on generating high-quality writing and editing that communicate to an organization’s audience that it is a leader in its field, and to draw readers into forming a relationship with them.

At the outset of every project, we analyze our clients’ requirements and develop innovative and forward-thinking solutions for their web projects. Services we offer include website programming and maintenance, mobile applications, web-based training and e-learning solutions, e-book publishing, search engine optimization, and social media development and implementation.

View a recent  example of our web design and development work.