StratComm Awarded Contract with SSA for EDPNA Program Management

StratComm Awarded Contract with SSA for EDPNA Program Management

StratComm is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a $2.2 million five-year contract with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to manage its Eligibility for Direct Payment of Non-Attorneys (EDPNA) Program. Non-attorneys are individuals who represent SSA claimants during their disability hearing process. The EDPNA Program facilitates direct payment of fees for non-attorney representatives. As part of administering the EDPNA program, StratComm will provide comprehensive program management; develop and manage a web-based portal for communications, collection of payments, and overall applicant management; and conduct exams and manage continuing education certifications for non-attorney representatives. StratComm is honored to have the opportunity to expand our relationship with SSA with the EDPNA Program.